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When you go to a party, wedding, work-related gathering, barbeque, or dinner party, it is vital to have a strategy for navigating what is likely to be a dietary trap. What do you do? Well, first of all, it's about the people, not the food. Whatever the function is, it's not about the food. It's about the people.

Staying On Track

Sometimes it seems like people try to outdo each other both in how much food they bring as well as how tasty their recipe is. Hopefully, people ask me for my recipe. That's a feather in the cap!

I recommend you bring a super clean meal with you and if you like a particular dessert that's also super clean, bring that too. Start by eating the food you brought as well as other foods that might be super clean as well. You just ate very well. So, if you wind up giving in, a little bit, to temptation, you are already pretty full and won't eat as much of the poisonous foods. Next thing you know, people will start asking about how you make such healthy food taste so good. At some point, most people wake up to the fact that clean, healthy foods don't taste good, they taste great! And when you eat clean, your taste buds go back to normal and this healthy food tastes even better.

Finding your Victories

It is a huge step when you go to a gathering that involves food and you go home feeling very proud of how you played your hand. Each time you leave feeling like you have just conquered another big challenge, it gives you confidence. Remember the feeling of sticking to your lifestyle, which includes eating healthy if at all possible.

I can't describe how it feels to have someone tear up when they tell you they are down another pants size and how many years it's been since they were that size. Or that their doctor just took them off their blood pressure or diabetes medication. Some people who earn the right to get off some of their medications are ecstatic, while others aren't really aware of the impact this will have on their health moving forward, so they are more pleased than outwardly ecstatic.

From my perspective, I know how tremendously damaging these drugs are. Patients often don't really understand how many side effects these medications have and how much harder their liver and kidneys have to work beyond what's reasonable to expect of them. Every medication you can get your medical doctor to take you off of because you've improved your health so much it became a matter-of-fact decision for them, gets you even healthier. Will you pump your fist in the air right there in front of your doctor, or wait until you get home? When you get home, you can give it a big shout!!! Yeah, baby, that's what I'm talking about!!!!! Losing weight, feeling great, getting off medications, looking younger, it just keeps getting better!!!


Are you ready to make a permanent change in your lifestyle? Get started on your journey and request your 1 hour strategy session today!

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9:00am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday


3762 Shelburne Rd
Shelburne VT, 05482

(802) 388-6376